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get the best fitting unsigned integer type for a given value at compile time More...

#include <iceoryx_hoofs/cxx/helplets.hpp>

Public Types🔗

using typename internal::BestFittingTypeImpl<(Value > std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::max()),(Value > std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::max()),(Value > std::numeric_limits< uint32_t >::max())>::Type_t Type_t
ignore the warnings because we need the comparisons to find the best fitting type

Detailed Description🔗

template <uint64_t Value>
struct iox::cxx::BestFittingType;

get the best fitting unsigned integer type for a given value at compile time

Public Types Documentation🔗

using Type_t🔗

using iox::cxx::BestFittingType< Value >::Type_t =  typename internal::BestFittingTypeImpl<(Value > std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()), (Value > std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()), (Value > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())>::Type_t;

ignore the warnings because we need the comparisons to find the best fitting type

Updated on 17 March 2022 at 12:15:57 CET