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Inherits from iox::popo::ListenerImpl< MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS_PER_LISTENER >

Public Types🔗

using ListenerImpl< MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS_PER_LISTENER > Parent

Public Functions🔗


Protected Functions🔗

Listener(ConditionVariableData & conditionVariableData)

Additional inherited members🔗

Public Functions inherited from iox::popo::ListenerImpl< MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS_PER_LISTENER >

ListenerImpl(const ListenerImpl & )
ListenerImpl(ListenerImpl && )
ListenerImpl & operator=(const ListenerImpl & )
ListenerImpl & operator=(ListenerImpl && )
template <typename T ,typename EventType ,typename ContextDataType ,typename =std::enable_if_t::value>>
cxx::expected< ListenerError >
attachEvent(T & eventOrigin, const EventType eventType, const NotificationCallback< T, ContextDataType > & eventCallback)
Attaches an event. Hereby the event is defined as a class T, the eventOrigin, an enum which further defines the event inside the class and the corresponding callback which will be called when the event occurs.
template <typename T ,typename ContextDataType >
cxx::expected< ListenerError >
attachEvent(T & eventOrigin, const NotificationCallback< T, ContextDataType > & eventCallback)
Attaches an event. Hereby the event is defined as a class T, the eventOrigin and the corresponding callback which will be called when the event occurs.
template <typename T ,typename EventType ,typename =std::enable_if_t::value>>
detachEvent(T & eventOrigin, const EventType eventType)
Detaches an event. Hereby, the event is defined as a class T, the eventOrigin and the eventType with further specifies the event inside of eventOrigin.
template <typename T >
detachEvent(T & eventOrigin)
Detaches an event. Hereby, the event is defined as a class T, the eventOrigin.
uint64_t size() const
Returns the size of the Listener.
constexpr uint64_t capacity()
Returns the capacity of the Listener.

Protected Functions inherited from iox::popo::ListenerImpl< MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS_PER_LISTENER >

ListenerImpl(ConditionVariableData & conditionVariableData)

Public Types Documentation🔗

using Parent🔗

using iox::popo::Listener::Parent =  ListenerImpl<MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS_PER_LISTENER>;

Public Functions Documentation🔗

function Listener🔗


Protected Functions Documentation🔗

function Listener🔗

    ConditionVariableData & conditionVariableData

Updated on 31 May 2022 at 11:34:55 CEST