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building block to easily create free function for logging in a library context


class iox::cxx::ObjectPool
class iox::cxx::ObjectPool::Iterator

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// Copyright (c) 2019 by Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021 by Apex.AI Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <cstddef> //for size_t
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility> //for std::forward

namespace iox
namespace cxx
// TODO: finalize API and add doxygen comments
// the API will be safer and more concise
// furthermore the free position computation will be improved to gain performance

// note: as in e.g. std::vector, no index bounds checking for efficiency (using illegal indices leads to undefined
// behaviour)
template <typename T, int CAPACITY = 1> // TODO: use sensible and compatible type for this and NO_INDEX
class ObjectPool
    using Index_t = int; // TODO: choose Index_t types correctly wrt. size, conversion compatibility
    static constexpr int NO_INDEX = -1;

    static constexpr size_t CHUNKSIZE = sizeof(T);
    using Chunk = char[CHUNKSIZE];
    using Container = Chunk[CAPACITY]; // we need uninitalized memory without calling any constructors
                                       // we cannot use typed C arrays for this reason, since it would call T() (maybe
                                       // we could use a one element as CHUNK)

    Index_t m_freeIndex{0};
    size_t m_size{0u};

    // todo: maybe this metainformation can be combined, e.g. the data pointer == nullptr to indicate that
    // the data is invalid
    struct CellInfo
        bool isValid{false};        // todo: rename into isUsed?
        bool wasConstructed{false}; // we want to use this to determine whether T destruction should occur in destructor
        T* data{nullptr};

    alignas(T) Container m_values;
    CellInfo m_cellInfo[CAPACITY];
    char* m_first;
    char* m_last;

    class Iterator
        Index_t index;
        ObjectPool<T, CAPACITY>* pool;

        Iterator(Index_t index, ObjectPool<T, CAPACITY>& pool)
            : index(index)
            , pool(&pool)

        T& operator*()
            return *(pool->m_cellInfo[index].data);

        // in contrast to operator* we do checking in operator->
        // for operator* this is not as straightforward, since we need
        // to return a reference (what should happen if iterator is end()?)
        T* operator->()
            if (index >= CAPACITY)
                return nullptr;
            if ((pool->m_cellInfo[index]).isValid)
                return pool->m_cellInfo[index].data;
            return nullptr;

        // pre-increment
        Iterator& operator++()
            for (Index_t i = index + 1; i < CAPACITY; ++i)
                if (pool->m_cellInfo[i].isValid == true)
                    index = i;
                    return *this;
            index = CAPACITY;
            return *this;

        // post increment
        Iterator operator++(int)
            auto ret = Iterator(index, *pool);
            for (Index_t i = index + 1; i < CAPACITY; ++i)
                if (pool->m_cellInfo[i].isValid == true)
                    index = i;
                    return ret;
            index = CAPACITY;
            return ret;

        bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const
            return (this->index != other.index || this->pool != other.pool);

        bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const
            return (this->index == other.index && this->pool == other.pool);

    Iterator begin()
        for (Index_t i = 0; i < CAPACITY; ++i)
            if (m_cellInfo[i].isValid == true)
                return Iterator(i, *this);
        return Iterator(CAPACITY, *this);

    Iterator end()
        return Iterator(CAPACITY, *this);

        : m_first(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(m_values[0])))
        , m_last(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(m_values[CAPACITY - 1])))

        // destroy objects if they where constructed by the pool
        for (Index_t i = 0; i < CAPACITY; ++i)
            if (m_cellInfo[i].isValid && m_cellInfo[i].wasConstructed)

    //***********************************index API ***********************************************************

    Index_t reserve()
        auto index = nextFree();

        if (index >= 0)
            m_freeIndex = index;
            m_cellInfo[m_freeIndex].isValid = true;
            m_cellInfo[m_freeIndex].wasConstructed = false;

        return index;

    Index_t construct()
        auto index = nextFree();

        if (index >= 0)
            m_freeIndex = index;
            m_cellInfo[index].data = new (&m_values[index]) T; // use placement new
            m_cellInfo[m_freeIndex].isValid = true;
            m_cellInfo[m_freeIndex].wasConstructed = true;

        return index;

    template <typename... Args>
    Index_t construct(Args&&... args)
        auto index = nextFree();

        if (index >= 0)
            m_freeIndex = index;
            m_cellInfo[index].data = new (&m_values[index]) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...); // use placement new
            m_cellInfo[m_freeIndex].isValid = true;
            m_cellInfo[m_freeIndex].wasConstructed = true;

        return index;

    Index_t add(const T& element)
        auto index = nextFree();

        if (index >= 0)
            m_freeIndex = index;
            auto& cellInfo = m_cellInfo[m_freeIndex];
   = new (m_values[m_freeIndex]) T(element);
            cellInfo.isValid = true;
            cellInfo.wasConstructed = true;

        return index;

    void remove(Index_t index, bool destruct = false)
        if (m_cellInfo[index].isValid)
            if (destruct)
            m_cellInfo[index].isValid = false;

    // unsafe by design (as std::vector), remove ...?
    T& operator[](Index_t index)
        return *(m_cellInfo[index].data);

    Iterator iterator(Index_t index)
        if (m_cellInfo[index].isValid)
            return Iterator(index, *this);
        return end();

    size_t size() const
        return m_size;

    size_t capacity() const
        return CAPACITY;

    //**************************** pointer API ********************************

    // get raw memory for object T
    T* allocate()
        auto index = reserve();
        if (index == NO_INDEX)
            return nullptr;
        // access to raw memory where nothing was constructed yet
        // cannot be avoided easily with current logic
        // since the idea is that the user could also use this memory pointer
        // to place objects of type T in (should probably not be supported in the future
        // because it is dangerous if used wrongly)

        return reinterpret_cast<T*>(m_values[index]);

    // default construct object T
    T* create()
        auto index = construct();
        if (index == NO_INDEX)
            return nullptr;
        return get(index);

    // construct object T with constructors taking arguments
    template <typename... Args>
    T* create(Args&&... args)
        auto index = construct(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
        if (index == NO_INDEX)
            return nullptr;
        return get(index);

    // free the cell associated with ptr and call destructor if destruct is true
    void free(T* ptr, bool destruct)
        auto index = pointerToIndex(ptr);
        if (index >= 0)
            remove(index, destruct);

    // free cell associated with ptr
    // call object destructor if and only if  it was constructed by the pool
    // note: this can be dangerous if the user also destroyed the objects via pointer
    void free(T* ptr)
        auto index = pointerToIndex(ptr);
        if (index >= 0)
            remove(index, m_cellInfo[index].wasConstructed);

    T* insert(const T& element)
        auto index = add(element);

        if (index >= 0)
            return nullptr;

        return get(index);

    T* get(Index_t index)
        return (m_cellInfo[index].isValid) ? m_cellInfo[index].data : nullptr;

    T* get(T* ptr)
        auto index = pointerToIndex(ptr);
        if (index != NO_INDEX)
            return (m_cellInfo[index].isValid) ? m_cellInfo[index].data : nullptr;
        return nullptr;

    Iterator iterator(T* ptr)
        auto index = pointerToIndex(ptr);
        if (index >= 0)
            return iterator(index);
        return end();

    Index_t pointerToIndex(T* ptr)
        char* p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(ptr);
        if (p < m_first || p > m_last)
            return NO_INDEX;
        auto delta = p - m_first;
        if (static_cast<uint64_t>(delta) % sizeof(T) != 0)
            return NO_INDEX;

        // if the cell is valid and contains data we expect the pointer to equal data (alignment has to match)
        auto index = static_cast<Index_t>(static_cast<uint64_t>(delta) / sizeof(T));
        if (m_cellInfo[index].isValid && m_cellInfo[index].data)
            if (m_cellInfo[index].data == ptr)
                return index;
                // pointer is not aligned to object in cell
                return NO_INDEX;

        return index;

    T* indexToPointer(Index_t index)
        return m_cellInfo[index].data;

    // TODO: use fifo/index set for efficient search of free elements
    Index_t nextFree()
        if (m_size >= CAPACITY)
            return NO_INDEX; // container is full

        for (; m_cellInfo[m_freeIndex].isValid; m_freeIndex = (m_freeIndex + 1) % CAPACITY)

        return m_freeIndex;
} // namespace cxx
} // namespace iox


Updated on 31 May 2022 at 15:52:34 CEST