Name |
iox |
iox::roudi |
Name | |
struct | iox::roudi::MemPoolInfo struct for the storage of mempool usage information. This data container is used by the introstpection::MemPoolInfoContainer array to store information on all available memmpools. |
struct | iox::roudi::MemPoolIntrospectionInfo the topic for the mempool introspection that a user can subscribe to |
struct | iox::roudi::PortData container for common port data which is related to the subscriber port as well as the publisher port |
struct | iox::roudi::PublisherPortData container for publisher port introspection data. |
struct | iox::roudi::PortIntrospectionFieldTopic the topic for the port introspection that a user can subscribe to |
struct | iox::roudi::PortThroughputData |
struct | iox::roudi::PortThroughputIntrospectionFieldTopic the topic for the port throughput that a user can subscribe to |
struct | iox::roudi::SubscriberPortChangingData |
struct | iox::roudi::SubscriberPortChangingIntrospectionFieldTopic |
struct | iox::roudi::ProcessIntrospectionData |
struct | iox::roudi::ProcessIntrospectionFieldTopic the topic for the process introspection that a user can subscribe to |
Source code🔗
// Copyright (c) 2019 - 2020 by Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2020 - 2021 by Apex.AI Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "iceoryx_hoofs/cxx/vector.hpp"
#include "iceoryx_posh/capro/service_description.hpp"
#include "iceoryx_posh/iceoryx_posh_types.hpp"
#include "iceoryx_posh/mepoo/mepoo_config.hpp"
namespace iox
namespace roudi
constexpr const char INTROSPECTION_SERVICE_ID[] = "Introspection";
constexpr const char INTROSPECTION_APP_NAME[] = "introspection";
constexpr const char INTROSPECTION_NODE_NAME[] = "introspection";
const capro::ServiceDescription IntrospectionMempoolService(INTROSPECTION_SERVICE_ID, "RouDi_ID", "MemPool");
constexpr int MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH = 32;
struct MemPoolInfo
uint32_t m_usedChunks{0};
uint32_t m_minFreeChunks{0};
uint32_t m_numChunks{0};
uint32_t m_chunkSize{0};
uint32_t m_chunkPayloadSize{0};
using MemPoolInfoContainer = cxx::vector<MemPoolInfo, MAX_NUMBER_OF_MEMPOOLS>;
struct MemPoolIntrospectionInfo
uint32_t m_id;
cxx::string<MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH> m_writerGroupName;
cxx::string<MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH> m_readerGroupName;
MemPoolInfoContainer m_mempoolInfo;
using MemPoolIntrospectionInfoContainer = cxx::vector<MemPoolIntrospectionInfo, MAX_SHM_SEGMENTS + 1>;
const capro::ServiceDescription IntrospectionPortService(INTROSPECTION_SERVICE_ID, "RouDi_ID", "Port");
struct PortData
RuntimeName_t m_name;
capro::IdString_t m_caproInstanceID;
capro::IdString_t m_caproServiceID;
capro::IdString_t m_caproEventMethodID;
NodeName_t m_node;
using SubscriberPortData = PortData;
struct PublisherPortData : public PortData
uint64_t m_publisherPortID{0};
iox::capro::Interfaces m_sourceInterface{iox::capro::Interfaces::INTERFACE_END};
struct PortIntrospectionFieldTopic
cxx::vector<SubscriberPortData, MAX_SUBSCRIBERS> m_subscriberList;
cxx::vector<PublisherPortData, MAX_PUBLISHERS> m_publisherList;
const capro::ServiceDescription
IntrospectionPortThroughputService(INTROSPECTION_SERVICE_ID, "RouDi_ID", "PortThroughput");
struct PortThroughputData
uint64_t m_publisherPortID{0};
uint32_t m_sampleSize{0};
uint32_t m_chunkSize{0};
double m_chunksPerMinute{0};
uint64_t m_lastSendIntervalInNanoseconds{0};
bool m_isField{false};
struct PortThroughputIntrospectionFieldTopic
cxx::vector<PortThroughputData, MAX_PUBLISHERS> m_throughputList;
const capro::ServiceDescription
IntrospectionSubscriberPortChangingDataService(INTROSPECTION_SERVICE_ID, "RouDi_ID", "SubscriberPortsData");
struct SubscriberPortChangingData
// index used to identify subscriber is same as in PortIntrospectionFieldTopic->subscriberList
uint64_t fifoSize{0};
uint64_t fifoCapacity{0};
iox::SubscribeState subscriptionState{iox::SubscribeState::NOT_SUBSCRIBED};
capro::Scope propagationScope{capro::Scope::INVALID};
struct SubscriberPortChangingIntrospectionFieldTopic
cxx::vector<SubscriberPortChangingData, MAX_SUBSCRIBERS> subscriberPortChangingDataList;
const capro::ServiceDescription IntrospectionProcessService(INTROSPECTION_SERVICE_ID, "RouDi_ID", "Process");
struct ProcessIntrospectionData
int m_pid{0};
RuntimeName_t m_name;
cxx::vector<NodeName_t, MAX_NODE_PER_PROCESS> m_nodes;
struct ProcessIntrospectionFieldTopic
cxx::vector<ProcessIntrospectionData, MAX_PROCESS_NUMBER> m_processList;
} // namespace roudi
} // namespace iox
Updated on 18 December 2023 at 13:02:35 CET