Name |
iox building block to easily create free function for logging in a library context |
iox::cxx |
Name | |
struct | iox::cxx::always_false struct used to disable the equality operators for fixed string and char pointer; it is needed, because a simple false will be evaluated before the template is instanciated and therefore the program won't be compiled |
Name | |
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// Copyright (c) 2019 by Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
namespace iox
namespace cxx
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline string<Capacity>::string(const string& other) noexcept
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline string<Capacity>::string(string&& other) noexcept
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline string<Capacity>& string<Capacity>::operator=(const string& rhs) noexcept
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
return copy(rhs);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline string<Capacity>& string<Capacity>::operator=(string&& rhs) noexcept
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
return move(std::move(rhs));
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline string<Capacity>::string(const string<N>& other) noexcept
static_assert(N <= Capacity,
"Construction failed. The capacity of the given fixed string is larger than the capacity of this.");
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline string<Capacity>::string(string<N>&& other) noexcept
static_assert(N <= Capacity,
"Construction failed. The capacity of the given fixed string is larger than the capacity of this.");
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline string<Capacity>& string<Capacity>::operator=(const string<N>& rhs) noexcept
static_assert(N <= Capacity,
"Assignment failed. The capacity of the given fixed string is larger than the capacity of this.");
return copy(rhs);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline string<Capacity>& string<Capacity>::operator=(string<N>&& rhs) noexcept
static_assert(N <= Capacity,
"Assignment failed. The capacity of the given fixed string is larger than the capacity of this.");
return move(std::move(rhs));
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline string<Capacity>::string(const char (&other)[N]) noexcept
*this = other;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline string<Capacity>::string(TruncateToCapacity_t, const char* const other) noexcept
: string(TruncateToCapacity, other, strnlen(other, Capacity))
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline string<Capacity>::string(TruncateToCapacity_t, const std::string& other) noexcept
: string(TruncateToCapacity, other.c_str(), other.size())
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline string<Capacity>::string(TruncateToCapacity_t, const char* const other, const uint64_t count) noexcept
if (other == nullptr)
m_rawstring[0U] = '\0';
m_rawstringSize = 0U;
else if (Capacity < count)
std::memcpy(&(m_rawstring[0]), other, Capacity);
m_rawstring[Capacity] = '\0';
m_rawstringSize = Capacity;
std::cerr << "Constructor truncates the last " << count - Capacity << " characters of " << other
<< ", because the char array length is larger than the capacity." << std::endl;
std::memcpy(&(m_rawstring[0]), other, count);
m_rawstring[count] = '\0';
m_rawstringSize = count;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline string<Capacity>& string<Capacity>::operator=(const char (&rhs)[N]) noexcept
static_assert((N - 1U) <= Capacity,
"Assignment failed. The given char array is larger than the capacity of the fixed string.");
if (c_str() == rhs)
return *this;
m_rawstringSize = std::min(Capacity, static_cast<uint64_t>(strnlen(rhs, N)));
std::memcpy(&(m_rawstring[0]), rhs, m_rawstringSize);
m_rawstring[m_rawstringSize] = '\0';
if (rhs[m_rawstringSize] != '\0')
std::cerr << "iox::cxx::string: Assignment of array which is not zero-terminated! Last value of array "
"overwritten with 0!"
<< std::endl;
return *this;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline string<Capacity>& string<Capacity>::assign(const string<N>& str) noexcept
static_assert(N <= Capacity,
"Assignment failed. The capacity of the given fixed string is larger than the capacity of this.");
*this = str;
return *this;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline string<Capacity>& string<Capacity>::assign(const char (&str)[N]) noexcept
*this = str;
return *this;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline bool string<Capacity>::unsafe_assign(const char* const str) noexcept
if ((c_str() == str) || (str == nullptr))
return false;
const uint64_t strSize = strnlen(str, Capacity + 1U);
if (Capacity < strSize)
std::cerr << "Assignment failed. The given cstring is larger (" << strSize << ") than the capacity ("
<< Capacity << ") of the fixed string." << std::endl;
return false;
std::memcpy(&(m_rawstring[0]), str, strSize);
m_rawstring[strSize] = '\0';
m_rawstringSize = strSize;
return true;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline bool string<Capacity>::unsafe_assign(const std::string& str) noexcept
uint64_t strSize = str.size();
if (Capacity < strSize)
std::cerr << "Assignment failed. The given std::string is larger than the capacity of the fixed string."
<< std::endl;
return false;
std::memcpy(&(m_rawstring[0]), str.c_str(), strSize);
m_rawstring[strSize] = '\0';
m_rawstringSize = strSize;
return true;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline int64_t string<Capacity>::compare(const string<N>& other) const noexcept
uint64_t otherSize = other.size();
if (m_rawstringSize < otherSize)
return -1;
else if (m_rawstringSize > otherSize)
return 1;
return memcmp(c_str(), other.c_str(), m_rawstringSize);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline bool string<Capacity>::operator==(const string<N>& rhs) const noexcept
return (compare(rhs) == 0);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline bool string<Capacity>::operator!=(const string<N>& rhs) const noexcept
return (compare(rhs) != 0);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline bool string<Capacity>::operator<(const string<N>& rhs) const noexcept
return (compare(rhs) < 0);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline bool string<Capacity>::operator<=(const string<N>& rhs) const noexcept
return !(compare(rhs) > 0);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline bool string<Capacity>::operator>(const string<N>& rhs) const noexcept
return (compare(rhs) > 0);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline bool string<Capacity>::operator>=(const string<N>& rhs) const noexcept
return !(compare(rhs) < 0);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline const char* string<Capacity>::c_str() const noexcept
return m_rawstring;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline constexpr uint64_t string<Capacity>::size() const noexcept
return m_rawstringSize;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline constexpr uint64_t string<Capacity>::capacity() const noexcept
return Capacity;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline constexpr bool string<Capacity>::empty() const noexcept
return m_rawstringSize == 0U;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline string<Capacity>::operator std::string() const noexcept
return std::string(c_str());
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline string<Capacity>& string<Capacity>::copy(const string<N>& rhs) noexcept
static_assert(N <= Capacity,
"Assignment failed. The capacity of the given fixed string is larger than the capacity of this.");
uint64_t strSize = rhs.size();
std::memcpy(&(m_rawstring[0]), rhs.c_str(), strSize);
m_rawstring[strSize] = '\0';
m_rawstringSize = strSize;
return *this;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <uint64_t N>
inline string<Capacity>& string<Capacity>::move(string<N>&& rhs) noexcept
static_assert(N <= Capacity,
"Assignment failed. The capacity of the given fixed string is larger than the capacity of this.");
uint64_t strSize = rhs.size();
std::memcpy(&(m_rawstring[0]), rhs.c_str(), strSize);
m_rawstring[strSize] = '\0';
m_rawstringSize = strSize;
rhs.m_rawstring[0U] = '\0';
rhs.m_rawstringSize = 0U;
return *this;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline bool operator==(const std::string& lhs, const string<Capacity>& rhs)
if (lhs.size() != rhs.size())
return false;
return (memcmp(lhs.c_str(), rhs.c_str(), rhs.size()) == 0);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline bool operator==(const string<Capacity>& lhs, const std::string& rhs)
return (rhs == lhs);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline bool operator!=(const std::string& lhs, const string<Capacity>& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline bool operator!=(const string<Capacity>& lhs, const std::string& rhs)
return (rhs != lhs);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const string<Capacity>& str)
stream << str.c_str();
return stream;
template <uint64_t>
struct always_false
static constexpr bool value = false;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline bool string<Capacity>::operator==(const char* const) const noexcept
"The equality operator for fixed string and char pointer is disabled, because it may lead to "
"undefined behavior if the char array is not null-terminated. Please convert the char array to a "
"fixed string with string(TruncateToCapacity_t, const char* const other, const uint64_t count) "
"before comparing it to a fixed string.");
return false;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline bool string<Capacity>::operator!=(const char* const) const noexcept
"The inequality operator for fixed string and char pointer is disabled, because it may lead to "
"undefined behavior if the char array is not null-terminated. Please convert the char array to a "
"fixed string with string(TruncateToCapacity_t, const char* const other, const uint64_t count) "
"before comparing it to a fixed string.");
return false;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline bool operator==(const char* const, const string<Capacity>&)
"The equality operator for char pointer and fixed string is disabled, because it may lead to "
"undefined behavior if the char array is not null-terminated. Please convert the char array to a "
"fixed string with string(TruncateToCapacity_t, const char* const other, const uint64_t count) "
"before comparing it to a fixed string.");
return false;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline bool operator!=(const char* const, const string<Capacity>&)
"The inequality operator for char pointer and fixed string is disabled, because it may lead to "
"undefined behavior if the char array is not null-terminated. Please convert the char array to a "
"fixed string with string(TruncateToCapacity_t, const char* const other, const uint64_t count) "
"before comparing it to a fixed string.");
return false;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <typename T>
inline string<Capacity>& string<Capacity>::operator+=(const T&) noexcept
"operator += is not supported by cxx::string, please use append or unsafe_append instead");
return *this;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
inline typename std::enable_if<(internal::IsCharArray<T1>::value || internal::IsCxxString<T1>::value)
&& (internal::IsCharArray<T2>::value || internal::IsCxxString<T2>::value),
string<internal::GetCapa<T1>::capa + internal::GetCapa<T2>::capa>>::type
concatenate(const T1& t1, const T2& t2)
uint64_t size1 = internal::GetSize<T1>::call(t1);
uint64_t size2 = internal::GetSize<T2>::call(t2);
using NewStringType = string<internal::GetCapa<T1>::capa + internal::GetCapa<T2>::capa>;
NewStringType newString;
std::memcpy(&(newString.m_rawstring[0]), internal::GetData<T1>::call(t1), size1);
std::memcpy(&(newString.m_rawstring[0]) + size1, internal::GetData<T2>::call(t2), size2);
newString.m_rawstring[size1 + size2] = '\0';
newString.m_rawstringSize = size1 + size2;
return newString;
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... Targs>
inline typename std::enable_if<(internal::IsCharArray<T1>::value || internal::IsCxxString<T1>::value)
&& (internal::IsCharArray<T2>::value || internal::IsCxxString<T2>::value),
string<internal::SumCapa<T1, T2, Targs...>::value>>::type
concatenate(const T1& t1, const T2& t2, const Targs&... targs)
return concatenate(concatenate(t1, t2), targs...);
template <typename T1, typename T2>
inline typename std::enable_if<(internal::IsCharArray<T1>::value && internal::IsCxxString<T2>::value)
|| (internal::IsCxxString<T1>::value && internal::IsCharArray<T2>::value)
|| (internal::IsCxxString<T1>::value && internal::IsCxxString<T2>::value),
string<internal::GetCapa<T1>::capa + internal::GetCapa<T2>::capa>>::type
operator+(const T1& t1, const T2& t2)
return concatenate(t1, t2);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<internal::IsCharArray<T>::value || internal::IsCxxString<T>::value, bool>::type
string<Capacity>::unsafe_append(const T& t) noexcept
uint64_t tSize = internal::GetSize<T>::call(t);
const char* tData = internal::GetData<T>::call(t);
uint64_t clampedTSize = std::min(Capacity - m_rawstringSize, tSize);
if (tSize > clampedTSize)
std::cerr << "Appending failed because the sum of sizes exceeds this' capacity." << std::endl;
return false;
std::memcpy(&(m_rawstring[m_rawstringSize]), tData, clampedTSize);
m_rawstringSize += clampedTSize;
m_rawstring[m_rawstringSize] = '\0';
return true;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<internal::IsCharArray<T>::value || internal::IsCxxString<T>::value, string<Capacity>&>::type
string<Capacity>::append(TruncateToCapacity_t, const T& t) noexcept
uint64_t tSize = internal::GetSize<T>::call(t);
const char* tData = internal::GetData<T>::call(t);
uint64_t clampedTSize = std::min(Capacity - m_rawstringSize, tSize);
std::memcpy(&(m_rawstring[m_rawstringSize]), tData, clampedTSize);
if (tSize > clampedTSize)
std::cerr << "The last " << tSize - Capacity + m_rawstringSize << " characters of " << tData
<< " are truncated, because the length is larger than the capacity." << std::endl;
m_rawstringSize += clampedTSize;
m_rawstring[m_rawstringSize] = '\0';
return *this;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline iox::cxx::optional<string<Capacity>> string<Capacity>::substr(const uint64_t pos,
const uint64_t count) const noexcept
if (pos > m_rawstringSize)
return iox::cxx::nullopt;
uint64_t length = count;
if (m_rawstringSize < (pos + count))
length = m_rawstringSize - pos;
string subString;
std::memcpy(&(subString.m_rawstring[0]), &m_rawstring[pos], length);
subString.m_rawstring[length] = '\0';
subString.m_rawstringSize = length;
return subString;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
inline iox::cxx::optional<string<Capacity>> string<Capacity>::substr(const uint64_t pos) const noexcept
return substr(pos, m_rawstringSize);
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, std::string>::value || internal::IsCharArray<T>::value
|| internal::IsCxxString<T>::value,
string<Capacity>::find(const T& t, const uint64_t pos) const noexcept
if (pos > m_rawstringSize)
return iox::cxx::nullopt;
const char* found = std::strstr(c_str() + pos, internal::GetData<T>::call(t));
if (found == nullptr)
return iox::cxx::nullopt;
return (found - c_str());
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, std::string>::value || internal::IsCharArray<T>::value
|| internal::IsCxxString<T>::value,
string<Capacity>::find_first_of(const T& t, const uint64_t pos) const noexcept
if (pos > m_rawstringSize)
return iox::cxx::nullopt;
const char* found = nullptr;
const char* data = internal::GetData<T>::call(t);
for (auto p = pos; p < m_rawstringSize; ++p)
found = std::strchr(data, m_rawstring[p]);
if (found != nullptr)
return p;
return iox::cxx::nullopt;
template <uint64_t Capacity>
template <typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, std::string>::value || internal::IsCharArray<T>::value
|| internal::IsCxxString<T>::value,
string<Capacity>::find_last_of(const T& t, const uint64_t pos) const noexcept
if (m_rawstringSize == 0U)
return iox::cxx::nullopt;
auto p = pos;
if (m_rawstringSize - 1U < p)
p = m_rawstringSize - 1U;
const char* found = nullptr;
const char* data = internal::GetData<T>::call(t);
for (; p > 0U; --p)
found = std::strchr(data, m_rawstring[p]);
if (found != nullptr)
return p;
found = std::strchr(data, m_rawstring[p]);
if (found != nullptr)
return 0U;
return iox::cxx::nullopt;
} // namespace cxx
} // namespace iox
Updated on 31 May 2022 at 15:29:15 CEST