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building block to easily create free function for logging in a library context

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// Copyright (c) 2019, 2020 by Robert Bosch GmbH, Apex.AI Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include "iceoryx_utils/cxx/optional.hpp"

#include <utility>

namespace iox
namespace concurrent
template <typename ElementType, uint64_t Capacity>
LockFreeQueue<ElementType, Capacity>::LockFreeQueue() noexcept
    : m_freeIndices(IndexQueue<Capacity>::ConstructFull)
    , m_usedIndices(IndexQueue<Capacity>::ConstructEmpty)

template <typename ElementType, uint64_t Capacity>
constexpr uint64_t LockFreeQueue<ElementType, Capacity>::capacity() const noexcept
    return Capacity;

template <typename ElementType, uint64_t Capacity>
bool LockFreeQueue<ElementType, Capacity>::tryPush(const ElementType& value) noexcept
    BufferIndex index;

    if (!m_freeIndices.pop(index))
        return false; // detected full queue, value is unchanged (as demanded by const)

    writeBufferAt(index, value); // const& version is called


    return true; // value was copied into the queue and is unchanged

template <typename ElementType, uint64_t Capacity>
bool LockFreeQueue<ElementType, Capacity>::tryPush(ElementType&& value) noexcept
    BufferIndex index;

    if (!m_freeIndices.pop(index))
        return false; // detected full queue

    writeBufferAt(index, std::forward<ElementType>(value)); //&& version is called


    return true;

template <typename ElementType, uint64_t Capacity>
template <typename T>
iox::cxx::optional<ElementType> LockFreeQueue<ElementType, Capacity>::pushImpl(T&& value) noexcept
    cxx::optional<ElementType> evictedValue;

    BufferIndex index;

    while (!m_freeIndices.pop(index))
        // only pop the index if the queue is still full
        // note, this leads to issues if an index is lost
        // (only possible due to an application crash)
        // then the queue can never be full and we may never leave if no one calls a concurrent pop
        // A quick remedy is not to use a conditional pop such as popIfFull here, but a normal one.
        // However, then it can happen that due to a concurrent pop it was not really necessary to
        // evict a value (i.e. we may needlessly lose values in rare cases)
        // Whether there is another acceptable solution needs to be explored.
        if (m_usedIndices.popIfFull(index))
            evictedValue = readBufferAt(index);
        // if m_usedIndices was not full we try again (m_freeIndices should contain an index in this case)
        // note that it is theoretically possible to be unsuccessful indefinitely
        // (and thus we would have an infinite loop)
        // but this requires a timing of concurrent pushes and pops which is exceptionally unlikely in practice

    // if we removed from a full queue via popIfFull it might not be full anymore when a concurrent pop occurs

    writeBufferAt(index, value); //&& version is called due to explicit conversion via std::move


    return evictedValue; // value was moved into the queue, if a value was evicted to do so return it

template <typename ElementType, uint64_t Capacity>
iox::cxx::optional<ElementType> LockFreeQueue<ElementType, Capacity>::push(const ElementType& value) noexcept
    return pushImpl(std::forward<const ElementType>(value));

template <typename ElementType, uint64_t Capacity>
iox::cxx::optional<ElementType> LockFreeQueue<ElementType, Capacity>::push(ElementType&& value) noexcept
    return pushImpl(std::forward<ElementType>(value));

template <typename ElementType, uint64_t Capacity>
iox::cxx::optional<ElementType> LockFreeQueue<ElementType, Capacity>::pop() noexcept
    BufferIndex index;

    if (!m_usedIndices.pop(index))
        return cxx::nullopt; // detected empty queue

    auto result = readBufferAt(index);


    return result;

template <typename ElementType, uint64_t Capacity>
bool LockFreeQueue<ElementType, Capacity>::empty() const noexcept
    return m_usedIndices.empty();

template <typename ElementType, uint64_t Capacity>
uint64_t LockFreeQueue<ElementType, Capacity>::size() const noexcept
    return m_size.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);

template <typename ElementType, uint64_t Capacity>
cxx::optional<ElementType> LockFreeQueue<ElementType, Capacity>::readBufferAt(const BufferIndex& index)
    // also used for buffer synchronization
    m_size.fetch_sub(1u, std::memory_order_acquire);

    auto& element = m_buffer[index];
    cxx::optional<ElementType> result(std::move(element));
    return result;

template <typename ElementType, uint64_t Capacity>
template <typename T>
void LockFreeQueue<ElementType, Capacity>::writeBufferAt(const BufferIndex& index, T&& value)
    auto elementPtr = m_buffer.ptr(index);
    new (elementPtr) ElementType(std::forward<T>(value)); // move ctor invoked when available, copy ctor otherwise

    // also used for buffer synchronization
    m_size.fetch_add(1u, std::memory_order_release);

} // namespace concurrent
} // namespace iox

Updated on 31 May 2022 at 15:29:15 CEST