Todo List🔗
Namespace iox
- this might be needed to be public when the logger is used in templates this might be needed to be public when the logger is used in templates
- remove MAX_RECEIVERS_PER_SENDERPORT when the new port building blocks are used
Member iox::mepoo::ChunkManagement::m_mempool
- optimization: check if this can be replaced by an offset relative to the this pointer
Member iox::mepoo::SharedChunk::operator== (const void *const rhs) const noexcept
- use the newtype pattern to avoid the void pointer
Class iox::popo::ChunkDistributor< ChunkDistributorDataType >
- There are currently some challenge: For the stored queues and the history, containers are used which are not thread safe. Therefore we use an inter-process mutex. But this can lead to deadlocks if a user process gets terminated while one of its threads is in the ChunkDistributor and holds a lock. An easier setup would be if changing the queues by a middleware thread and sending chunks by the user process would not interleave. I.e. there is no concurrent access to the containers. Then a memory synchronization would be sufficient. The cleanup() call is the biggest challenge. This is used to free chunks that are still held by a not properly terminated user application. Even if access from middleware and user threads do not overlap, the history container to cleanup could be in an inconsistent state as the application was hard terminated while changing it. We would need a container like the UsedChunkList to have one that is robust against such inconsistencies.... A perfect job for our future selves
Member iox::popo::ChunkDistributor< ChunkDistributorDataType >::cleanup () noexcept
- currently we have a deadlock / mutex destroy vulnerability if the ThreadSafePolicy is used and a sending application dies when having the lock for sending. If the RouDi daemon wants to cleanup or does discovery changes we have a deadlock or an exception when destroying the mutex As long as we don't have a multi-threaded lock-free ChunkDistributor or another concept we die here
- If we would make the ChunkDistributor lock-free, can we than extend the UsedChunkList to be like a ring buffer and use this for the history? This would be needed to be able to safely cleanup. Using ShmSafeUnmanagedChunk since RouDi must access this list to cleanup the chunks in case of an application crash.
Member iox::popo::UsedChunkList< Capacity >::insert (mepoo::SharedChunk chunk) noexcept
- can we do this cheaper with a global fence in cleanup?
Member iox::popo::UsedChunkList< Capacity >::remove (const mepoo::ChunkHeader *chunkHeader, mepoo::SharedChunk &chunk) noexcept
- can we do this cheaper with a global fence in cleanup?
Namespace iox::roudi
- Move everything in this namespace to iceoryx_roudi_types.hpp once we move RouDi to a separate CMake target
Member iox::roudi::PortManager::stopPortIntrospection () noexcept
- Remove this later
Member iox::roudi::PortPool::getPublisherPortDataList () noexcept
- don't create the vector with each call but only when the data really change there could be a member "cxx::vector<popo::PublisherPortData* m_publisherPorts;" and publisherPorts() would just update this member if the publisher ports actually changed
Member iox::roudi::PortPoolMemoryBlock::PortPoolMemoryBlock () noexcept=default
- the PortPool needs to be refactored to use a typed MemPool once that is done, the cTor needs a configuration similar to MemPoolCollectionMemoryProvider
Updated on 31 May 2022 at 15:29:16 CEST