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This struct is used to configure the subscriber.

#include <subscriber_options.hpp>

Public Attributes🔗

uint64_t queueCapacity
The size of the receiver queue where chunks are stored before they are passed to the user.
uint64_t historyRequest
The max number of chunks received after subscription if chunks are available.
iox::NodeName_t nodeName
The name of the node where the subscriber should belong to.
bool subscribeOnCreate
The option whether the subscriber shall try to subscribe when creating it.
QueueFullPolicy queueFullPolicy
The option whether the publisher should block when the subscriber queue is full.

Public Attributes Documentation🔗

variable queueCapacity🔗

uint64_t queueCapacity {SubscriberPortData::ChunkQueueData_t::MAX_CAPACITY};

The size of the receiver queue where chunks are stored before they are passed to the user.

Attention: Depending on the underlying queue there can be a different overflow behavior

variable historyRequest🔗

uint64_t historyRequest {0U};

The max number of chunks received after subscription if chunks are available.

variable nodeName🔗

iox::NodeName_t nodeName {""};

The name of the node where the subscriber should belong to.

variable subscribeOnCreate🔗

bool subscribeOnCreate {true};

The option whether the subscriber shall try to subscribe when creating it.

variable queueFullPolicy🔗

QueueFullPolicy queueFullPolicy {QueueFullPolicy::DISCARD_OLDEST_DATA};

The option whether the publisher should block when the subscriber queue is full.

Updated on 31 May 2022 at 15:29:16 CEST