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This struct is used to configure the publisher.

#include <publisher_options.hpp>

Public Attributes🔗

uint64_t historyCapacity
The size of the history chunk queue.
iox::NodeName_t nodeName
The name of the node where the publisher should belong to.
bool offerOnCreate
The option whether the publisher should already be offered when creating it.
SubscriberTooSlowPolicy subscriberTooSlowPolicy
The option whether the publisher should block when the subscriber queue is full.

Public Attributes Documentation🔗

variable historyCapacity🔗

uint64_t historyCapacity {0U};

The size of the history chunk queue.

variable nodeName🔗

iox::NodeName_t nodeName {""};

The name of the node where the publisher should belong to.

variable offerOnCreate🔗

bool offerOnCreate {true};

The option whether the publisher should already be offered when creating it.

variable subscriberTooSlowPolicy🔗

SubscriberTooSlowPolicy subscriberTooSlowPolicy {SubscriberTooSlowPolicy::DISCARD_OLDEST_DATA};

The option whether the publisher should block when the subscriber queue is full.

Updated on 31 May 2022 at 15:29:16 CEST