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Public Functions🔗

IpcRuntimeInterface(const RuntimeName_t & roudiName, const RuntimeName_t & runtimeName, const units::Duration roudiWaitingTimeout)
Runtime Interface for the own IPC channel and the one to the RouDi daemon.
~IpcRuntimeInterface() =default
IpcRuntimeInterface(const IpcRuntimeInterface & )
Not needed therefore deleted.
IpcRuntimeInterface & operator=(const IpcRuntimeInterface & )
IpcRuntimeInterface(IpcRuntimeInterface && )
IpcRuntimeInterface & operator=(IpcRuntimeInterface && )
bool sendKeepalive()
sends the keep alive trigger to the RouDi daemon
bool sendRequestToRouDi(const IpcMessage & msg, IpcMessage & answer)
send a request to the RouDi daemon
rp::BaseRelativePointer::offset_t getSegmentManagerAddressOffset() const
get the adress offset of the segment manager
size_t getShmTopicSize()
get the size of the management shared memory object
uint64_t getSegmentId() const
get the segment id of the shared memory object

Public Functions Documentation🔗

function IpcRuntimeInterface🔗

    const RuntimeName_t & roudiName,
    const RuntimeName_t & runtimeName,
    const units::Duration roudiWaitingTimeout

Runtime Interface for the own IPC channel and the one to the RouDi daemon.


  • roudiName name of the RouDi IPC channel
  • runtimeName name of the application's runtime and its IPC channel
  • roudiWaitingTimeout timeout for searching the RouDi IPC channel

function ~IpcRuntimeInterface🔗

~IpcRuntimeInterface() =default

function IpcRuntimeInterface🔗

    const IpcRuntimeInterface & 

Not needed therefore deleted.

function operator=🔗

IpcRuntimeInterface & operator=(
    const IpcRuntimeInterface & 

function IpcRuntimeInterface🔗

    IpcRuntimeInterface && 

function operator=🔗

IpcRuntimeInterface & operator=(
    IpcRuntimeInterface && 

function sendKeepalive🔗

bool sendKeepalive()

sends the keep alive trigger to the RouDi daemon

Return: true if sending was successful, false if not

function sendRequestToRouDi🔗

bool sendRequestToRouDi(
    const IpcMessage & msg,
    IpcMessage & answer

send a request to the RouDi daemon


  • msg request to RouDi
  • answer response from RouDi

Return: true if communication was successful, false if not

function getSegmentManagerAddressOffset🔗

rp::BaseRelativePointer::offset_t getSegmentManagerAddressOffset() const

get the adress offset of the segment manager

Return: address offset as rp::BaseRelativePointer::offset_t

function getShmTopicSize🔗

size_t getShmTopicSize()

get the size of the management shared memory object

Return: size in bytes

function getSegmentId🔗

uint64_t getSegmentId() const

get the segment id of the shared memory object

Return: segment id

Updated on 31 May 2022 at 15:29:16 CEST