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Public Functions🔗

bool addPublisher(typename PublisherPort::MemberType_t & port)
add a publisher port to be tracked by introspection
bool addSubscriber(typename SubscriberPort::MemberType_t & portData)
add a subscriber port to be tracked by introspection
bool removePublisher(const PublisherPort & port)
remove a publisher port from introspection
bool removeSubscriber(const SubscriberPort & port)
remove a subscriber port from introspection
bool updateConnectionState(const capro::CaproMessage & message)
update the state of any connection identified by the capro id of a given message according to the message type (e.g. capro::SUB for a subscription request)
bool updateSubscriberConnectionState(const capro::CaproMessage & message, const UniquePortId & id)
update the subscriber connection state identified by the unique port id and the capro id of a given message according to the message type (e.g. capro::SUB for a subscription request)
void prepareTopic(PortIntrospectionTopic & topic)
prepare the topic to be send based on the internal connection state of all tracked ports
void prepareTopic(PortThroughputIntrospectionTopic & topic)
void prepareTopic(SubscriberPortChangingIntrospectionFieldTopic & topic)
template \<typename T ,std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, iox::build::OneToManyPolicy >::value > * =nullptr>
getNextState(ConnectionState currentState, capro::CaproMessageType messageType)
compute the next connection state based on the current connection state and a capro message type when the communication policy is OneToMany
template \<typename T ,std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, iox::build::ManyToManyPolicy >::value > * =nullptr>
getNextState(ConnectionState currentState, capro::CaproMessageType messageType)
compute the next connection state based on the current connection state and a capro message type when the communication policy is ManyToMany
bool isNew() const
indicates whether the logical object state has changed (i.e. the data is new)
void setNew(bool value)
sets the internal flag indicating new data

Public Functions Documentation🔗

function PortData🔗

inline PortData()

function addPublisher🔗

inline bool addPublisher(
    typename PublisherPort::MemberType_t & port

add a publisher port to be tracked by introspection


  • port to be added

Return: returns false if the port could not be added and true otherwise

function addSubscriber🔗

inline bool addSubscriber(
    typename SubscriberPort::MemberType_t & portData

add a subscriber port to be tracked by introspection


  • portData to be added

Return: returns false if the port could not be added and true otherwise

function removePublisher🔗

inline bool removePublisher(
    const PublisherPort & port

remove a publisher port from introspection


  • port publisher port to be removed

Return: returns false if the port could not be removed (since it did not exist) and true otherwise

function removeSubscriber🔗

inline bool removeSubscriber(
    const SubscriberPort & port

remove a subscriber port from introspection


  • port subscriber port to be removed

Return: returns false if the port could not be removed (since it did not exist) and true otherwise

function updateConnectionState🔗

inline bool updateConnectionState(
    const capro::CaproMessage & message

update the state of any connection identified by the capro id of a given message according to the message type (e.g. capro::SUB for a subscription request)


  • message capro message to be processed

Return: returns false there is no corresponding capro service and true otherwise

function updateSubscriberConnectionState🔗

inline bool updateSubscriberConnectionState(
    const capro::CaproMessage & message,
    const UniquePortId & id

update the subscriber connection state identified by the unique port id and the capro id of a given message according to the message type (e.g. capro::SUB for a subscription request)


  • message capro message to be processed
  • id unique port id

Return: false if there is no corresponding capro service or unique port id, otherwise true

Note: introduced for identifying the subscriber port whose connection state has to be updated, e.g. if a subscriber unsubscribes only its connection state should be updated - not the states of all subscribers which are subscribed to the same topic

function prepareTopic🔗

inline void prepareTopic(
    PortIntrospectionTopic & topic

prepare the topic to be send based on the internal connection state of all tracked ports


  • topic data structure to be prepared for sending

function prepareTopic🔗

void prepareTopic(
    PortThroughputIntrospectionTopic & topic

function prepareTopic🔗

inline void prepareTopic(
    SubscriberPortChangingIntrospectionFieldTopic & topic

function getNextState🔗

template <typename T ,
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, iox::build::OneToManyPolicy >::value > *  =nullptr>
inline PortIntrospection::ConnectionState getNextState(
    ConnectionState currentState,
    capro::CaproMessageType messageType

compute the next connection state based on the current connection state and a capro message type when the communication policy is OneToMany


  • currentState current connection state (e.g. CONNECTED)
  • messageType capro message type

Return: returns the new connection state

function getNextState🔗

template <typename T ,
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, iox::build::ManyToManyPolicy >::value > *  =nullptr>
PortIntrospection::ConnectionState getNextState(
    ConnectionState currentState,
    capro::CaproMessageType messageType

compute the next connection state based on the current connection state and a capro message type when the communication policy is ManyToMany


  • currentState current connection state (e.g. CONNECTED)
  • messageType capro message type

Return: returns the new connection state

function isNew🔗

inline bool isNew() const

indicates whether the logical object state has changed (i.e. the data is new)

Return: returns true if the data is new(e.g. new connections were established), false otherwise

function setNew🔗

inline void setNew(
    bool value

sets the internal flag indicating new data


  • value value to be set

Updated on 31 May 2022 at 15:29:16 CEST