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#include <ipc_message.hpp>

Public Functions🔗

IpcMessage() =default
Creates an empty and valid IPC channel message.
IpcMessage(const std::initializer_list< std::string > & msg)
Creates a separator separated string. If one element contains a separator symbol the IpcMessage becomes invalid and returns false on isValid().
IpcMessage(const std::string & msg)
Takes a separator separated string and interprets it as a IpcMessage. In this case the IpcMessage can only become invalid if it is not empty and does not end with the separator.
template \<typename T >
IpcMessage &
operator<<(const T & entry)
Adds a new entry to the IpcMessage, if the entry is invalid no entry is added and the IpcMessage becomes invalid.
uint32_t getNumberOfElements() const
Returns the number of entries stored in IpcMessage. If the message is invalid the return value is undefined.
std::string getElementAtIndex(const uint32_t index) const
Returns the entry at position f_index. If f_index is larger then the sum of the entries stored in IpcMessage it returns std::string()
bool isValidEntry(const std::string & entry) const
returns if an entry is valid. Non valid entries are containing at least one separator
bool isValid() const
check if the message is valid
std::string getMessage() const
The message is casted to the actual separator separated string If the message is invalid the return value is undefined.
void setMessage(const std::string & msg)
Takes a separator separated string and interprets it as a IpcMessage. In this case the IpcMessage can only become invalid if it is not empty and does not end with the separator. All the entries that were stored previously in the IpcMessage will be cleared after a call to setMessage.
void clearMessage()
Clears the message. After a call to clearMessage() the.
template \<typename T >
addEntry(const T & entry)
Adds a new entry to the IpcMessage, if the entry is invalid no entry is added and the IpcMessage becomes invalid.
bool operator==(const IpcMessage & rhs) const
Compares two IpcMessages to be equal.

Detailed Description🔗

class iox::runtime::IpcMessage;

The symbol , is per default the separator.

A valid entry is an arbitrary string which does not contain the separator symbol, otherwise, if it contains the separator symbol it is defined as a invalid entry. A valid entry can contain none or more characters.

A message is a concatination of valid entries separated by the separator. A message is defined as valid if all entries contained in that message are valid and it ends with the separator or it is empty, otherwise it is defined as invalid.

Public Functions Documentation🔗

function IpcMessage🔗

IpcMessage() =default

Creates an empty and valid IPC channel message.

function IpcMessage🔗

    const std::initializer_list< std::string > & msg

Creates a separator separated string. If one element contains a separator symbol the IpcMessage becomes invalid and returns false on isValid().


  • msg array of strings to combine in a message

function IpcMessage🔗

    const std::string & msg

Takes a separator separated string and interprets it as a IpcMessage. In this case the IpcMessage can only become invalid if it is not empty and does not end with the separator.


  • separator separated string for a message

function operator<<🔗

template <typename T >
IpcMessage & operator<<(
    const T & entry

Adds a new entry to the IpcMessage, if the entry is invalid no entry is added and the IpcMessage becomes invalid.


  • entry Datatype which is convertable to string via std::to_string

function getNumberOfElements🔗

uint32_t getNumberOfElements() const

Returns the number of entries stored in IpcMessage. If the message is invalid the return value is undefined.

Return: number of entries in messaage

function getElementAtIndex🔗

std::string getElementAtIndex(
    const uint32_t index
) const

Returns the entry at position f_index. If f_index is larger then the sum of the entries stored in IpcMessage it returns std::string()


  • index desired entry position

Return: If the element exists it returns the element at f_index otherwise an empty string

function isValidEntry🔗

bool isValidEntry(
    const std::string & entry
) const

returns if an entry is valid. Non valid entries are containing at least one separator


  • entry sstring to check

Return: true = if it is a valid entry otherwise false

function isValid🔗

bool isValid() const

check if the message is valid

Return: If one element in the CTor initializer_list was invalid it returns false, otherwise true.

function getMessage🔗

std::string getMessage() const

The message is casted to the actual separator separated string If the message is invalid the return value is undefined.

Return: the current message as separator separated string

function setMessage🔗

void setMessage(
    const std::string & msg

Takes a separator separated string and interprets it as a IpcMessage. In this case the IpcMessage can only become invalid if it is not empty and does not end with the separator. All the entries that were stored previously in the IpcMessage will be cleared after a call to setMessage.


  • separator separated string for the message

function clearMessage🔗

void clearMessage()

Clears the message. After a call to clearMessage() the.

function addEntry🔗

template <typename T >
void addEntry(
    const T & entry

Adds a new entry to the IpcMessage, if the entry is invalid no entry is added and the IpcMessage becomes invalid.


  • entry to add to the message

Template Parameters:

  • Datatype which is convertable to string via std::stringstream

function operator==🔗

bool operator==(
    const IpcMessage & rhs
) const

Compares two IpcMessages to be equal.


Updated on 17 June 2021 at 11:15:27 CEST