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This class handles the port introspection for RouDi. It is recommended to use the PortIntrospectionType alias which sets the intended template parameter required for the actual introspection. The class manages a thread that periodically updates a field with port introspection data to which clients may subscribe. More...

#include <port_introspection.hpp>

Public Functions🔗

PortIntrospection(PortIntrospection const & )
PortIntrospection & operator=(PortIntrospection const & )
PortIntrospection(PortIntrospection && )
PortIntrospection & operator=(PortIntrospection && )
bool addPublisher(typename PublisherPort::MemberType_t & port)
add a publisher port to be tracked by introspection
bool addSubscriber(typename SubscriberPort::MemberType_t & port)
add a subscriber port to be tracked by introspection
bool removePublisher(const PublisherPort & port)
remove a publisher port from introspection
bool removeSubscriber(const SubscriberPort & port)
remove a subscriber port from introspection
void reportMessage(const capro::CaproMessage & message)
report a capro message to introspection (since this could change the state of active connections)
void reportMessage(const capro::CaproMessage & message, const UniquePortId & id)
report a capro message to introspection (since this could change the state of active connections)
bool registerPublisherPort(PublisherPort && publisherPortGeneric, PublisherPort && publisherPortThroughput, PublisherPort && publisherPortSubscriberPortsData)
register publisher port used to send introspection
void setSendInterval(const units::Duration interval)
set the time interval used to send new introspection data
void run()
start the internal send thread
void stop()
stop the internal send thread

Protected Functions🔗

void sendPortData()
sends the port data; this is used from the unittests
void sendThroughputData()
sends the throughput data; this is used from the unittests
void sendSubscriberPortsData()
sends the subscriberport changing data, this is used from the unittests
void send()
calls the three specific send functions from above, this is used from the periodic task

Protected Attributes🔗

cxx::optional< PublisherPort > m_publisherPort
cxx::optional< PublisherPort > m_publisherPortThroughput
cxx::optional< PublisherPort > m_publisherPortSubscriberPortsData

Detailed Description🔗

template <typename PublisherPort ,
typename SubscriberPort >
class iox::roudi::PortIntrospection;

This class handles the port introspection for RouDi. It is recommended to use the PortIntrospectionType alias which sets the intended template parameter required for the actual introspection. The class manages a thread that periodically updates a field with port introspection data to which clients may subscribe.

Public Functions Documentation🔗

function PortIntrospection🔗

inline PortIntrospection()

function ~PortIntrospection🔗

inline ~PortIntrospection()

function PortIntrospection🔗

    PortIntrospection const & 

function operator=🔗

PortIntrospection & operator=(
    PortIntrospection const & 

function PortIntrospection🔗

    PortIntrospection && 

function operator=🔗

PortIntrospection & operator=(
    PortIntrospection && 

function addPublisher🔗

inline bool addPublisher(
    typename PublisherPort::MemberType_t & port

add a publisher port to be tracked by introspection


  • port to be added

Return: returns false if the port could not be added and true otherwise

function addSubscriber🔗

inline bool addSubscriber(
    typename SubscriberPort::MemberType_t & port

add a subscriber port to be tracked by introspection


  • port to be added

Return: returns false if the port could not be added and true otherwise

function removePublisher🔗

inline bool removePublisher(
    const PublisherPort & port

remove a publisher port from introspection


  • port publisher port to be removed

Return: returns false if the port could not be removed (since it did not exist) and true otherwise

function removeSubscriber🔗

inline bool removeSubscriber(
    const SubscriberPort & port

remove a subscriber port from introspection


  • port subscriber port to be removed

Return: returns false if the port could not be removed (since it did not exist) and true otherwise

function reportMessage🔗

inline void reportMessage(
    const capro::CaproMessage & message

report a capro message to introspection (since this could change the state of active connections)


  • message capro message to be processed

function reportMessage🔗

inline void reportMessage(
    const capro::CaproMessage & message,
    const UniquePortId & id

report a capro message to introspection (since this could change the state of active connections)


  • message capro message to be processed
  • id unique port id

Note: introduced for identifying the subscriber port whose connection state has to be updated, e.g. if a subscriber unsubscribes only its connection state should be updated - not the states of all subscribers which are subscribed to the same topic

function registerPublisherPort🔗

inline bool registerPublisherPort(
    PublisherPort && publisherPortGeneric,
    PublisherPort && publisherPortThroughput,
    PublisherPort && publisherPortSubscriberPortsData

register publisher port used to send introspection


  • publisherPort publisher port to be registered

Return: true if registration was successful, false otherwise

function setSendInterval🔗

inline void setSendInterval(
    const units::Duration interval

set the time interval used to send new introspection data


  • interval duration between two send invocations

function run🔗

inline void run()

start the internal send thread

function stop🔗

inline void stop()

stop the internal send thread

Protected Functions Documentation🔗

function sendPortData🔗

inline void sendPortData()

sends the port data; this is used from the unittests

function sendThroughputData🔗

inline void sendThroughputData()

sends the throughput data; this is used from the unittests

function sendSubscriberPortsData🔗

inline void sendSubscriberPortsData()

sends the subscriberport changing data, this is used from the unittests

function send🔗

inline void send()

calls the three specific send functions from above, this is used from the periodic task

Protected Attributes Documentation🔗

variable m_publisherPort🔗

cxx::optional< PublisherPort > m_publisherPort;

variable m_publisherPortThroughput🔗

cxx::optional< PublisherPort > m_publisherPortThroughput;

variable m_publisherPortSubscriberPortsData🔗

cxx::optional< PublisherPort > m_publisherPortSubscriberPortsData;

Updated on 17 June 2021 at 11:15:27 CEST